The Many and the One Read online

Page 13

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing, a private joke,”

  “Are you sure you want me to tell him about you? He’s really going to be angry.”

  Charlotte’s satisfied smile comes through even over the phone.

  “I’m counting on it, goodbye Mr. Callen.”

  * * *

  Jason starts work on the first of the four murals. The area to be painted is smaller than that of the toy store, but unlike the toy store, the hobby shop is open while he works and so Jason has to contend with customers getting in the way and asking questions.

  By the ninth of November, he’s completed the third mural, right on schedule, he should easily be done by the twentieth. Every time he finishes one, Callen stares at him in amazement. Each mural is a masterpiece of color and artwork.

  The details Jason places amongst the pictures of trains and model cars are so engrossing that customers stand and look over every inch, describing to each other what they find.

  “Look, here he painted an engineer smoking behind the barn, and there, see, look at the detail of that hawk flying overhead.”

  Jason loves every minute of it. Other than Lindsay, nothing else in life moves him like working as an artist.

  * * *

  Wednesday November 10th, 1982 is a wintry day and Jason and Lindsay have been out looking at apartments.

  Lindsay finds one she likes, it’s a brightly lit, second story loft near the marina.

  “Jason this is so nice, hardwood floors and a fireplace. The fireplaces at the cabin spoiled me. Oh honey, can we afford this?”

  “As soon as I get paid, is this the one you want?”

  “Yes, there’s even room for the nursery. I think we’d be happy here.”

  “All right then, this is our new home. Now I want to get you back, it’s such a cold, damp day and you’re so close to your due date.”

  Lindsay kisses him gently on the lips. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being you, for being someone who loves me and takes care of me,”

  Jason shrugs. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted to be. I love you Lindsay.”

  * * *

  Thursday morning, November 11th,

  Jason arrives at the fourth and final store inside the Harborton Mall. The store is longer than the other locations. It’s only thirty-five feet across, but more than a hundred feet long. He spots Callen seated at the desk of the store’s glass-enclosed office and goes inside to talk to him.

  “Hi, I’m ready to start. Where would you like me to move the merchandise on the back wall?”

  It’s then that Jason notices Callen looks ill.

  “It’s not the back wall you have to paint; it’s the one on the right… the long one.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “You have to paint that long wall like you did the other three or you don’t get a dime. The contract you signed says I get to choose the walls, and if you don’t finish the murals in the allotted time, all payments are void.”

  Jason swallows hard while staring at Callen in disbelief.

  “Mr. Callen you know there’s not enough time. That wall is three times the size of the others. Why would you screw me like this, for money? Hell, I’ll renegotiate the fee if you’d like, but don’t do this to me. I need this money. I’m getting married soon and we’re having a baby. I quit two jobs to take this work. I need that money.”

  “Jason it’s not me doing it, it’s someone else. I’m sorry, but my balls were in a vise. Two of my leases were up and she threatened not to renew them unless I helped her. I’m really sorry, I like you and the murals are great. Kid, she must really hate you.”


  “Charlotte Stern, Jason it’s Charlotte Stern.”

  Jason suddenly turns and leaves.

  Callen grabs the phone.

  “Reynolds is on his way to see you, and he looks pissed.”

  “Excellent,” Says Charlotte. “Excellent,”


  Charlotte leaves her office and goes upstairs to her bedroom, where she strips naked. The body she sees in the mirror is more tempting than that of many women half her age, particularly women who are nine months pregnant. She turns down the bed covers; next, she goes into the adjoining bathroom and draws a bath in her pool-size tub.

  She returns to her bedroom and reaches behind a side table, to flip the switch that activates a hidden camera aimed at her bed, she then steps into her bath and waits.

  * * *

  Adam is enjoying a second cup of coffee before leaving for work.

  Marjorie’s been hovering around her husband all morning, now she sits across from him and smiles. “Adam honey,”

  “So you finally decided to ask, huh?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Marjorie we’ve been together a long time, I know when something’s on your mind.”

  Marjorie kisses him. “Smarty-pants, I do want to ask you something.”

  “Well ask me.” Adam says.

  She does and Adam leans back and considers.

  “I was waiting until he got older, he just turned nineteen.”

  “What difference does his age make? He’s getting married and he’s going to be a father.”

  Adam downs the last of his coffee, while mulling over Marjorie’s words.

  “I’ll tell you, I’ve been real impressed with how hard he’s working. He’s been so responsible and he wouldn’t even take any money, hell, maybe he won’t want it.”

  “I know Lindsay would.”

  “You’ve grown to love her, haven’t you hon?”

  “She’s such a sweet girl Adam and she loves Jason to death. At least think about it, please?”

  “It would be a hell of a nice thing. And Angie won’t need it; it looks like Dave’s considering taking that job offer in Europe.”

  “I’ve already asked Angie and she said it’d be fine by her.”

  Adam looks down while tapping his fingers against his knees. When his fingers come to rest, he speaks.

  “Okay, let’s do it, it’s his time now. We’ll work out the money later.”

  “Oh Adam they’ll be so happy. I’ll call Joyce Parker and tell her. I’ll need her help.”

  “You’ll need her help for what?”

  “Getting it ready silly,” She tells him, and grabs the phone.

  * * *

  On Hills Road, Jason turns right down a nearly hidden driveway, after rounding a row of hedges the Stern estate comes into view.

  The imposing brick mansion appears shaded despite the bright sunlight of a crisp fall day. This time, ignoring the stone planters, Jason instead rings the doorbell.

  Charlotte, luxuriating in her scented bath, smiles and presses a button. “Yes, who is it?”

  The soft voice comes from somewhere out of the ether as far as Jason can tell.

  “It’s Jason Reynolds, Mrs. Stern; we need to see each other.”

  Indeed we do. “I’m upstairs, the third door on your left.”

  Charlotte buzzes him in.

  Jason enters and is instantly warmed by the heat circulating throughout the quiet house. He goes up the staircase slowly, tensed for any bat-wielding attackers, but no one else is at home it seems. As he approaches the second floor hallway, he smells the faint scent of lilacs.

  “Mrs. Stern?”

  “I’m in here Jason, the third door on your left, come in and close the door.”

  Jason enters Charlotte’s bedroom. At the foot of the bed is a hope chest, on top of it sits a stack of neatly folded clothes.

  Beyond the bed is an open door, through which light pours out, there also comes the soft sounds of lapping water.

  “Come in Jason, I won’t bite.” Says the silky voice, from beyond the doorway,

  Jason goes through the door and is face to face with Charlotte Stern.

  But this is no Charlotte Stern he’s ever seen before.

  The few times he’s met her, her hair wa
s always in a severe bun. This Charlotte Stern has long tresses of fire red hair framing a face that, until now, Jason would have said was aloof, but now looks gentle, and without a doubt, beautiful. And there’s something else showing in that face, it’s desire, this Charlotte Stern is full of lust.

  Jason locks eyes with Charlotte, while attempting to ignore her ample breasts, which jut enticingly above the lilac scented suds.

  “I’m here to settle this problem between us Mrs. Stern.”

  Charlotte smiles up at him from where she stands in the deep end of the tub. “You’re here because I want you here, now if you’d like to make nice reach behind you and get a towel.”

  As Jason turns to grab a towel, Charlotte walks to the shallow end and rises up and out of the tub, to stand there naked, dripping wet. Despite himself, Jason is genuinely aroused. Charlotte is a beautiful woman. Also, due to Lindsay’s pregnancy, Jason hasn’t made love to her in weeks.

  He passes the towel and watches as Charlotte slowly and provocatively dries herself. Charlotte drops the towel and approaches Jason, then, reaching up, she puts her arms around his neck, placing her lips only inches from his.

  “We can end this feud right now. Make love to me Jason. Lindsay doesn’t have to know anything about this. I know you want me. I can see it in your eyes. Make love to me, and afterward, I’ll phone Mr. Callen and tell him to pay you. No one else has to know, only us.”

  Jason looks into Charlotte’s blue eyes, as he feels the heat of her naked body pressed against him. He reaches down and sweeps her off her feet and into his arms.

  “Mrs. Stern…” Jason says, his voice is husky,

  “Charlotte, Jason call me Charlotte.” She says softly.

  “Charlotte, you’re still dirty lady, take another bath.”

  Jason tosses her through the air and back into the tub. Water geysers in all directions as Charlotte sinks to the bottom. When she emerges from beneath the water, her crimson hair is plastered to her scalp and her face is a scarlet rage.

  After coughing and snorting up bathwater, she screams at Jason.

  “You dickless bastard! There are men who would kill to fuck me.”

  “Then go fuck them and leave me alone you sick, twisted bitch. It’s laughable that you think I would hurt Lindsay for a romp with you. Anybody that sticks it in you is probably lucky to get it back out in one piece. I’ll tell you something else. I’m going to paint your goddamn mural and then you can shove it!”

  Jason marches out; behind him, Charlotte has an unholy fit and uses language that would make a Marine blush.

  She scrambles out of the tub and leaves a dripping trail all the way to her office. After looking up a phone number, she dials.

  “This is McGee’s friend, before you refuse me again, listen, I will triple my offer. You can pay off your gambling debts and start fresh, will you do it?”

  “Triple? All right… and may God have mercy on me. But understand something, what you’re asking me to do is very tricky. It’s not like I work alone and indu—”

  Charlotte shouts. “Unacceptable! Do whatever it takes but make it happen.” She then slams the phone down.

  * * *

  Jason returns to Callen’s hobby shop and charges into the office.

  Callen holds up his hands, cringing. “Whoa kid, don’t try anything or I’ll call the police.”

  “Relax Callen; I only want to ask you a few questions.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like if I finish that mural by the twentieth do I get the money?”

  “Sure, but how’re you going to do it? You only got nine days.”

  “You’re going to give me the keys to this place and I’m going to work night and day, that’s how.”

  Callen sits back and considers, afterward, he reaches into his top desk drawer and takes out a set of keys, these he tosses to Jason.

  “Fuck that rich bitch. I’ve already signed the new leases, besides, it’s her money.”


  “Hey do me a favor, make it a masterpiece will you?”

  Jason smiles, “I guarantee it.”

  * * *

  Later that day, Jason is at Lindsay’s house, telling her about his run in with Charlotte.

  Lindsay laughs. “You really threw her back into the tub?”

  “She needed a good soaking. Anyway, that’s why I’ve got to work around the clock.”

  “Don’t worry honey; just make sure you outsmart that bitch. Getting naked in front of you like a whore and setting you up to fail like that, I feel like kicking her ass.”

  “Take it easy, you’re nine months pregnant, remember? Don’t upset the baby.”

  Lindsay leans back on the sofa. “Do you think they’re ever going to leave us alone?”

  “Well, Derek’s off at Harvard and I set momma straight today, I guess we’ll see.”

  “I almost forgot honey; your mom said a Mr. Spencer called for you, who is that?”

  “Spencer? Oh now I remember, he’s the guy that traded me Boomer the Bear for the first mural last Christmas. I wonder what he wants?”

  Lindsay looks at him sideways. “Um, wasn’t Charlotte naked when you picked her up?”


  “Honey, don’t go around picking up naked women.”

  “All right,”

  “Unless it’s me,”

  “That Lindsay, goes without saying,”

  * * *

  The next several days were a blur of work for Jason. The first thing he did was to paint the entire one hundred and eight-foot long and fifteen-foot high wall, jet-black. Onto that massive black wall Jason began adding color, a little here and a little there, seemingly indiscriminately.

  Callen watched as Jason worked madly. He’ll never finish in time.

  By the fourth day and sixty-ninth hour of work the picture was beginning to take shape, a train. He was painting a train, one of the old steam locomotives. Once completed, it looked like a life-sized train coming out of a tunnel and headed straight for you. The people in the mural are so realistic looking that Callen sees more than one customer startled to suddenly find someone standing behind them, only to realize it’s merely a painting. With an hour to spare, Jason, exhausted and arm weary, paints the last stroke, and it is a work of art.

  Callen hands him the check. “I believe this belongs to you. I’m ashamed to have helped her, but I was under the gun kid, you know?”

  “All’s well that ends well.” Jason says, as he hurries out the door to be with Lindsay.

  * * *

  Jason arrives at Lindsay’s house to find no one at home. In a panic, he calls his mother and shouts into the phone.

  “Mom where’s Lindsay?”

  “Calm down honey, Lindsay went into labor but she’s fine, she’s at the hospital. Joyce tried calling, but Mr. Callen said you had already left.”

  “I’m going to the hospital thanks mom love you bye.” Click!

  * * *

  When he arrives at the hospital, he finds Lindsay lying in bed, surrounded by monitors.

  Lindsay grabs his hand. “Jason! Oh I’m so glad you’re here, I’m so scared.”

  “Where’s Doctor Trent? Shouldn’t he stay with you?”

  “He’s with another patient.”

  Jason shows her the check. “Honey, I finished. I finished and I got the money.”

  “I knew you’d do it.”

  “Now we can get a place of our own.”

  “Just the three of us,” Lindsay says, and winces as a labor pain strikes.

  Jason kisses her damp forehead. “Just the three of us,”

  * * *

  Sometime later, Jason reaches into his pocket searching for change for a vending machine and comes across a slip of paper.

  Oh yeah, Mr. Spencer,

  Jason has been playing telephone tag with Spencer for days. He tries him again, this time with success.

  He finds he has to hold the phone in his left hand, as a hundred and sixty-tw
o hours of painting have turned his right arm to jelly.

  “Mr. Spencer, hi, it’s Jason Reynolds, the mural guy.”

  “Jason! Good God kid I’ve been trying to reach you all week. Jason look, I’m with the giraffe guys now, they swallowed up the bear guys in a merger.”

  “Yeah, I noticed the name change at the mall last month.”

  “When the giraffe guys took over they wondered why the Ocean Beach store did nearly thirty percent more business than the other bear stores. Some marketing types figured out that it’s your mural. That painting attracts foot traffic like crazy; it’s almost a tourist attraction.”

  “Great, so they want me to paint more at other stores?”

  “Nah kid, they have a way of replicating it, some new-fangled computer thing.”

  “Oh, so what do you need from me?”

  “Your signed permission for us to use it, the lawyers say it’s our wall but your artwork. They want to buy exclusive rights to this painting and offer you a contract as a designer.”

  “A job? Would I have to move?”

  “No, you can work from home and send in your stuff by messenger, the pay’s about twenty-six for the job and fifty for the mural.”

  “That’s it? Wait, that doesn’t make sense.” Jason says, confused.

  “That’s twenty-six thousand a year for the job and fifty thousand for the exclusive rights and usage of your mural. Jason, that mural will be in over a thousand stores nationwide.”


  “You there kid?”

  “I’m here.”

  “Come by the corporate offices in Harborton, say Monday at two, and we’ll sign some contracts.”

  “Yes Sir Mr. Spencer, and thank you,” Lindsay baby, we have got it made.

  Jason hangs up the phone and walks back through the halls laughing aloud, looking to all the world like a madman.

  * * *

  Simona Lynn Reynolds is born at 12:49 a.m. on November 21st, 1982, weighing six pounds, five ounces.

  Mother and child rest comfortably in the hospital for three days, before making their way to the cabin, where the wedding of her parents will soon take place in the days hence.

  * * *

  A loud chorus of “SURPRISE!” greets Lindsay as she walks through the door of the cabin.

  Paul and Simone jump out of hiding along with Angie and Dave and Jason and Lindsay’s parents.